Water provider
Limitless clean water in your home every single day
Drink your water clean, fresh and free of harmful additives and impurities using Kupertino services
Fresh water here when you need it Safe in every way
Switch to reusable
water bottles
Why buy water in a plastic bottle you won’t use anymore? With Kupertino you can lessen the harm to the environment and keep landfills free of excessive waste
Fresh water here when you need it Rich with minerals
Clean water as a healthy lifestyle choice
Kupertino water is like nature intended: enriched with organic minerals and essential oxygen
Fresh water here when you need it Easy to join
The service is provided in the territory of Silicon Valley
You pay once to get your equipment installed and enjoy your clean water every day without any limitations
Just $0,99 per day
Onboarding is only $299
Subscription is cheaper than a bottle of water, and you don’t have to pay for the delivery — you will already have fresh water in your home any time. Maintenance and spare parts are charged separately. Applications for connection from other states will be put on a waiting list.
Join us Freshen up today
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